The Role of Technology in my Profession and Life

My relation with technology is rare. If you ask me about social media, specially about Instagram, I can explain how it works perfectly. But if you ask me about computers, types of PC´s, or PC programs, I'm a quite ignorant. 

Just this year, I have learned a little bit about computer programs, because studying design requires it. It hasn't been easy, but in any case, it's entertaining and interesting, and it can be used in many areas. 

Usually, I use the technology for communication, for the university classes and jobs, for my business and for inform me. 

I have an Instagram online shop of handmade lingerie, so I use this social media a lot of time.

In the other hand, I do math and sciences particular classes, so I use technology for planning and for make presentations and guides. 

I think that one of my favorite technological object is the smartphone because it you can take it anywhere and anytime, and it can be very useful for many things. But I think that the best thing are the wireless earphones. I have the Galaxy Buds Pro and I use it every moment, I love listen to music, so what better that be able to listen high quality music every moment of the day? 


  1. As a person who wears earphones all the time... i couldn't agree more that these are the best invention!

  2. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  3. I am just like you, I know a lot about smartphones and applications but I don't know anything about computers, and I also carry my earphones everywhere I go.


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