Academic Challenges 2021

During the last two years things have changed, the pandemic has caused us to have to change the way we do things. We spent a long time without being able to meeting with other people in person. 

Last year I finished the high school doing free exams, I studied alone, so I didn't have online classes. I was very lucky for having made the decision to leave the school just before the pandemic. Last year was a very good year to me because I had a lot of time to do my things. Thanks to this free time and the change to an online life, I could get into some workshops. 

This year I started to study design, so I started to have online classes. The true is that online classes are not a problem for me, I'm a person who learn anyway, I have a nice home where study, my family is little so the atmosphere is very confortable, and I have all conditions to study from home. I live in Colina, outside of Santiago, so another advantage of online classes is that I don't lose time or money on transportation.

Whatever, what I don't like is that my biggest motivation of enter the university was to enter the university environment and meeting new people. In online mode, this doesn't happen like this. 

I leave you some works that I had to do this online year for university.
